Cycle - Snow Leopard - Process

Nature creates an indomitable cycle of life inevitably leading to death, and in turn helping to produce new life. The Earth sustains itself indefinitely because of this cycle.

The Cycle series represents the beauty, power and infinite possibility of life, while simultaneously showing its fragility. It is a reminder that all life is a part of Earth's cycle.

Cycle - Snow Leopard is the first piece. 

For this piece, I chose to forgo the process of sketching studies and drawing rough copies. I researched some photos off the internet and started directly on the good copy.

Death was the beginning. I wanted to represent its calmness, tranquility, and comfort. The sleeping leopard photo seemed ideal

To demonstrate the cycle, the plants, mountains, snow and rocks contribute to the drawing of the new leopard family.

I decided on blue undertones for the dead leopard. I also took to colour outlines for a stylistic effect. I used soft pastels and coloured pencils.

I needed something to bring the drawing together. Wind or energy of some sort. I started smudging a little and discovered that the pastel smudges created a shadow or fog coming from the dead snow leopard, but the pencil marks were unaffected, keeping the drawing intact. I continued the process, added some pencil drawn leaves and petals, to produce an infinity like symbol separating and yet connecting the images of life and death.

After a high-def scan, here is the final image, as true-to-life as possible on a computer screen.

Next cycle in progress... the humpback.


  1. One of my favorites. Gilles I wish you more time to create these cycles.


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