
Showing posts from April, 2019

Cycle - Desintegration

As part of the Cycle series, the chosen pieces were designed to represent three cycles that effect nature. The first was Life and Death. The second was Respect and Responsibility. Desintegration is part of the third, which is Cause and Effect. Climate change is effecting nature in ways that could have a catastrophic effect on our species. Sir David says we face "irreversible damage to the natural world and the collapse of our societies". from the BBC article:  Climate change: Sir David Attenborough warns of 'catastrophe' Ironically, in large part, we are the cause. "... there is a strong, credible body of evidence, based on multiple lines of research, documenting that climate is changing and that these changes are in large part caused by human activities. While much remains to be learned, the core phenomenon, scientific questions, and hypotheses have been examined thoroughly and have stood firm in the face of serious scientific debate and careful ev...

Cycle - Mother's Anatomy

"Mother Nature is the  personification  of  nature  that focuses on the life-giving and nurturing aspects of nature by embodying it, in the form of the  mother .", Wikipedia. Mother Nature, Earth-Mother, Gaia, Mama Pacha were all symbols of the connection human culture has had with nature. As a reminder of this connection, I wanted to show human anatomy made of our natural world. Mother's Anatomy is meant to remind us of how much we must also care and nurture nature to reciprocate everything it gives us. Finding reference material of every element in the composition is an important step. Without reference, I could not possibly know every small realistic detail that I wish to include to give each piece the quality it deserves. Here are the images I used for reference. Looking at these photos, I decided to draw some rough sketches to plan out my composition. I am sorry to say that I do not ha...

Cycle - Exhibition and Vernissage

Cycle is a creative exploration of connections within nature and how our choices affect them. Through three themes, Life and Death, Respect and Responsibility, and, Cause and Effect, this series examines the fragile balance that creates and sustains the environment we are part of. Cycle Pastel drawings by artist Gilles Rainville Exhibition April 2019 Vernissage on Sunday April 7th, 2019  2:30 pm to  5:00 pm Good Eats 473 Albert st Ottawa, ON Original art and limited series signed archival prints for sale during exhibition. (version française) Cycle est une exploration créative des liens au sein de la nature et de la façon dont nos choix les affectent. À travers trois thèmes: Vie et Mort, Respect et Responsabilité, et Cause et Effet, cette série examine l’équilibre fragile qui crée et soutient l’environnement dans lequel nous faisons partie. Cycle Dessins au pastel de l'artiste Gilles Rainville Exposition avril 2019 Vernissage le dimanche 7 avril 2019...